Splash in God’s Word

St. Ansgar’s sanctuary was transformed into the primary locale for this year’s Vacation Bible School (VBS) “Splash in God’s Word”. It didn’t take the children long to realize that water was the primary theme for the week. We learned that the rainbow represents God’s promise to us. We learned that we can’t walk on water (even in a splash pool). And we wondered what the temperature of the water in the baptismal font normally is. 
The altar became our popular news anchor desk, which helped to convey the bible story for the day. The kids looked forward to the daily reports from our news anchors. The roving reporter interviewed surprising guest speakers and we wondered whether the crazy weather reporter survived in their sou’wester, wellies and raincoat on the stormy days.
On Wednesday, our guest visitor, Pastor Charlene (aka Mrs. Twist) entertained the children by recounting the day’s bible story through balloons, music and slideshow. She managed to top things off with everyone getting to make their own balloon creations from her rainbow of balloons.
The kids were enthralled with boat races and osmosis experiments at the Science station, where white carnations really did absorb colours overnight (red and blue worked best if you want to try this at home). Arts & Crafts were dominated by marine-themed creations, with everything from origami fish scenes, paper hats, boats and paper bag fish, to framed underwater scene cards, while various activities awaited in the Drama station.
Not only were our hearts and souls nourished – we were treated to nutritious snacks, heart- pumping games, and vocal chords were exercised with rounding renditions of “Rise and Shine” aka “Arky Arky”.
Thanks to our tireless volunteers who made this happen: Carol and David Lau, Barbel and Karl Hauer, Wendy Paroyan, Tiffany Bunbury-Pelley, and Laura Wagner. Heartfelt thanks to Felicia Narain , Johanna Wong, Diann Carpenter, Carmen and Jordan Smith, June and David Weind, David Clunas, and Rachel Gowey who were able to not only help on short notice, but were open (and did!) help in any way possible. 
Extra special thanks to Anna McRae, who did the lion’s share of the behind the scenes work to ensure that VBS got off the ground. And let’s not forget David Weind and David Bestvater, who ensured that the installation of the new organ and pew relocation had minimal impact on VBS.
If you’ve never been involved in this truly rewarding facet of the Children and
Youth Ministry, consider being part of the experience next year.
Louise Clunas
Sunday School Co-ordinator