We believe that education is an essential part of personal and spiritual growth for people of all ages. Adult Education is a time for study and discussion in which we explore issues of faith and life.
These and other opportunities for learning help us to discover God’s boundless love for us, and help us grow in faith.
- Every Tuesday mornings at 8:45 AM, you are invited to join in a weekly Zoom gathering with a Scripture text, devotion, bit of conversation and prayer. All are welcome! An invitation for either will be sent out with the link details to the congregation. If you would like to added to our email distribution please contact Pastor Pamela Kormano at pastor@st.ansgar.ca
- Every Wednesday at 12 Noon, you are invited to join us via Zoom for our Bible Circle. Invitation for either will be sent out with the link details to the congregation. If you would like to added to our email distribution please contact Pastor Pamela Kormano at pastor@st.ansgar.ca

Bible Book Club! ELCIC National Bishop Susan Johnson invites us to form a Bible Book Club with members of the congregation, friends, family or others from the community as a way to study scripture and discuss the Bible together. All are welcome and people may join as we journey along! September 2020 marks the second year of the Living our Faith initiative, to which our emphasis has shifted from prayer to reading. Each month we will focus together on a different book of the Bible.
I invite you to join together the First Tuesday of each month at 12 noon by Zoom to discuss the book of the Bible we have read during the previous month.
Please feel free to be in touch with Pastor Pamela if you have any questions or would like to join in!
- Please join us on Monday and Thursday mornings at 10:00 am for our virtual senior’s exercise classes with Ava. These classes are geared to increase mobility and most exercises are completed sitting in your chair. Please have a chair, water bottle, towel and 2 cans (to be used as weights) for the classes. To access the classes please click on the link below or call in via your phone and Ava will guide you through the exercises:
Zoom Meeting https://us02web.zoom.us/j/4166900769
One tap mobile +16473744685,4166900769# Canada Meeting ID: 4166900769