Category Archives: Justice and Compassion

Canadian Lutheran World Relief – CLWR

Canadian Lutheran World Relief is the international development and service vehicle for Lutherans in Canada.  It is a shared ministry of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Canada (ELCIC) and Lutheran Church – Canada (LCC).  A full description of their work can be found on their website at:

Voices For A Just Society

Voices is “a growing community of faith-based groups in North Toronto working together for a just society by strengthening and supporting relationships within our community; learning and sharing to increase our knowledge of issues; speaking with one voice; and acting together to address injustice.”  Call the office to find out about times, locations, and events of this inter-denominational group.

The Olive Branch for Children – Tanzania

The Olive Branch for Children was founded in 2005 by Deborah McCracken and registered in Canada in 2006 and Tanzania in 2008. The main objective of the Olive Branch for Children is to help remote communities in Tanzania assess their primary needs and establish programs that target the most vulnerable.

St. Ansgar Toronto supports this ministry by sponsoring the education of various children and promoting the ministry in the congregation and community.  Some members of St. Ansgar have travelled to Tanzania to offer their skills and talents to the Olive Branch Community.

Please check out their web site and support them as you are able.